Code of Practice on disconnection for Domestic and Non-Domestic Customer’s
Go Power consider disconnection of customer’s energy supply an action of last resort and only to be contemplated after all other avenues have been exhausted.
If you’re experiencing difficulties in paying your energy bills it is very important that you contact us and open up lines of communication as soon as possible.
If you don’t talk to us we can’t help!
Reasons for Disconnection
- Debt
- If Go Power have no current contract in place with the account holder for a premises.
- There is no registered account holder at the address.
- In the event of an emergency power may be disconnected for safety reasons.
- Go Power are requested, on behalf of the customer, to withdraw the supply from a premises.
1. Debt
If you advise us that you are having difficulty in paying your bills we will try to come to an arrangement that allows you to manage your bills and prevent unnecessary debt accruing on your account. All our call handlers are trained to assess your circumstances impartially, fairly and sympathetically and there are a range of avenues we can explore with you if you find yourself struggling financially. We’re prepared to discuss with you alternative arrangements for settling your account. We can arrange for you to pay an agreed amount by instalments. Any payment arrangement will be carefully considered and mutually agreed. Go Power are committed to engaging with you and any nominated 3rd party acting on your behalf, such as money advisory agencies, a recognised charity or Social Welfare Representative and working together we will do all that we can to assist you in addressing your difficulties.
If an agreement has been reached by both parties for a payment plan to specifically avoid disconnection, details of the payment plan will be sent to you, setting out a clear explanation, in writing (via post or electronic mail) no later than one week after the payment plan has been agreed.
If your account goes into debt Go Power will make a minimum of two attempts to contact you in writing and a minimum of two additional attempts to contact you by an alternative method, which may include an attendance at your premises. Each attempt to contact you will take place no less than three working days apart. If we cannot contact you or if agreement cannot be reached disconnection will then be requested, however we would stress that Go Power views this as a last resort for both parties. The notice requirements detailed below will be followed in such circumstances.
2. Moving out or into a premises
If the customer is vacating a premise Go Power will have to be notified of the date and the closing meter read. Notification of leaving a premises must be done before the leaving date. This will prevent estimated bills. If you have not notified Go Power and no meter read has been provided, Go Power will estimate the closing read and date. Please see Go Power’s terms and conditions for more information. If you have just moved into a premises you must contact Go Power’s customer service team on 028 8676 0600, as soon as possible as you are responsible for all energy as soon as you move in or from the date of tenancy/ownership. If they fail to contact Go Power it may result in disconnection.
Go Power will advise the customer via post/email that a contract is required, along with a deposit request if applicable. This will also give 14 days’ notice of disconnection. For information on deposits please contact the Go Power customer service team on 01866 5612.
To give the customer every opportunity to avoid disconnection, Go Power will phone the customer during this period if details are available.
It is the responsibility of the owner/occupier to register the account.
3. No registered account holder or occupant
If Go Power identify a property with no registered occupant we will send notice in writing to the property; deemed contract. The deemed contract will have contact details for the occupant to get in touch with Go Power. The deemed contract will be issued at least 14 days in advance of requesting disconnection of the premises.
4. Disconnection due to safety reasons
At any time there are any safety concerns relating to the supply of Energy to your premises the Network Operator may disconnect the supply of energy to your premises. The network Operator will reconnect the meter when it is safe to do so. This is outside Go Power’s control.
5. Disconnection at the Customer’s Request
If the customer has an account with Go Power they can request a disconnection of the meter. Go Power will arrange this disconnection with the relevant operator on their behalf. Please contact the Go Power customer service team on 01866 5612 for charges to get the meter disconnected.
Notifying the Customer of disconnection
Go Power will give the following notice of intention in the event that we seek to disconnect a premises:
(a) Domestic Customers will receive 14 days notice in writing
(b) Non Domestic customers will receive 5 working days’ notice in writing.
The notice will detail the costs relating to the disconnection and costs for reconnection, all of which the customer will be liable to pay. The notice will display Go Power’s contact details and request that the customer gets in contact to arrange payment. Finally, Go Power may add an administrative cost for the action taken, these will be displayed separately on the notice. A request for disconnection will be made to the Network Operator at the expiry of the notice period. The Network Operator will make arrangements thereafter for the physical disconnection of the premises which may be within 48 hours of the request being made by Go Power. Please note that the Network Operator representatives attending to disconnect a premises cannot accept payment in respect of your account.
Go Power will not disconnect the meter for the following reasons;
- Where there is a mutually accepted payment arrangement and you are adhering to the conditions of that arrangement.
- Where you have a genuine formal complaint about money owed, we will not disconnect you in relation to the disputed amount until the complaint process is completed. (All other bills must be paid as normal).
- For failure to pay a bill which is not related to the supply of electricity/gas.
- A customer is critically dependent on electrically powered equipment, which shall include but is not limited to life protecting devices, assistive technologies to support independent living and medical equipment.
- For failure to pay a bill based on a regular estimate unless it is fair and reasonable in the circumstances, (e.g. access to read a meter is refused).
- For non-payment of bills during the winter months (1 November to 31 March) by registered vulnerable customers. For detail of how to register as a vulnerable customer please see our Code of Practice on Vulnerable Customers.